

Booster is your Customized Business App!

It is Fast, Secure and FlexibleWhat ever your business is, F&B, Retail, Hotels or more! Booster is your way to introduce your products and services elegantly.

It is a very elegant illustration that can be designed up on your request, your Logo will be always on Top, then by scrolling down 
comes your social media channels, products categories and your products illustration. each product has its own space, picture, its name and its price. 
by touching it, all information and details related will appear. and this is the basic Version.

Booster designed to be an open platform that can be easily connected to a several and different internal departments like accounting, marketing, quality control, show rooms and storage. also, your social media channels, advertising push notification platforms and all online payment systems.

Basically, all details and information are provided by you! you can always change it, update it, or even delete it partly or completely in a Blink of eye.

Application Features:
– Web App. 
– Mobile App. 
– Unlimited Items & Categories. 
– Online Payments. 
– Booking Calendar. 
– Social Media Connection.
– Easy Control Panel Access.
– Review Platform. 
– Media & Events Gallery.
– Customers Database.
– Integration with your own Business Apps. 
* And Much More …

 Here you can find some samples: